So far I'm roughly halfway through the first season and I have to say , wow , the animation Is amazing and the overall tone of the show is truly dark and it's meant to be viewed in that sense , because that is what the future truly beholds for this world judgement day , it's a completely new take on the terminator franchise and no previous entries are related in any sense , rather just the theme and direction of the future is heading towards , I am truly enjoying it so far and you can see right away this is going to be something special , if your a fan of anime and if your a fan of the terminator franchise before it took on a different direction after terminator 2 you will truly enjoy this show. It's not some fantasy overall happy tone anime , it's dark , ominous and the terminator has this hunter feel to it, inhuman and lifeless void of any empathy and true to its one objective ... termination. Give it a chance and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as me , if not more.