This series of 6 episodes is based on the real events that took place in West-Germany in the years just after WW2. This whereby former ranking officers from the SS and the Nazi army are involved in rebuilding a new "shadow army" in Germany.
You will learn how both Dr. Otto John and Reinhard Gehlen - historically important people after WW2 - act against each others objectives. This through the eyes of a young woman whom has close ties to both sides: i.e. She basically functions as a spy for its own country.
The series is a combination of (1) a historically relevant and interesting storyline, (2) pretty decent acting, and (3) scenes that make you think it is really post-war Germany which you are watching. It was such an attractive watch that I binged all episodes in one day...
The historic events shown in this series also triggered me to further investigate what exactly I saw in this series. This series really makes you wonder whether the "Allied Forces" were 'allied' in the first place?! This whereby the capitulation of Nazi Germany merely caused the defeat of one enemy (Nazi Germany), whereby WW2 just continued against Russia under another name: i.e. "The Cold War".
Concluding, this series challenges the viewer on what exactly happened just after WW2. I score it thereby at 7.3/10, resulting in an IMDb score of 7 stars. I personally hope that this series will get a second season. The 6th episode is left open ended, so as a viewer I am left craving to see more. Especially after reading some more on Wikipedia...