Just finished True Beauty tonight (it's the first full show I've got through in a while without being distracted by other shows 😊) and I absolutely loved it. So happy with how it turned out. It's definitely going on my faves list and will no doubt be rewatched sometime.
The theme was similar to My ID is Gangnam Beauty, though I'm glad that the heroine in this one didn't go as far as the Gangnam one did with an irreversible decision (trying to avoid sharing spoilers for anyone who has yet to see either show). Guess she had a less totally clueless parent which helped.
Loved the supporting cast, and it's hard to pick a fave but I love the heroine's sister and her grapefruit 😍💜
Anyway, that's about it I guess for my thoughts. Except to add that I very much enjoyed the dreamy dudes on offer.