The previous review does a pretty decent job of describing the overall movie. This review is just about the portrayal of the Christian character in this movie:
But this is no 'Christian movie'. It has an R rating because of sexual themes and language. In most Hollywood movies, the Christian character, is usually trivialized as an obnoxious caricature of a either a Bible-thumping Preacher, or a pathetic wimp. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that the co-pilot Christian was, in the end, not portrayed that way. He started out seeming pretty nerdy and out-of-touch by reading his 'Holy Bible' in the cockpit. But the character became a real person as the movie progressed. And he even read a nice passage about love from 1 Cor. 13. I was very surprised that the Bible got such decent air time, for once. Good job Valerie!