The story takes place in the French city of Bordeaux, inside the African community. Sex issues, loneliness, tradition and modernity, interracial relationships, conflict of generations...all these issues are depicted in a humorous manner, as the characters all remain serious. A 70 years old man from Ivory Coast is living with his 45 years old wife who is a nurse, and their 2 youngest child boys. One day, the nurse falls in love with a young white man who is an oyster-farmer in Arcachon and leaves the family apartment. The same day, her husband discovers that their oldest son, who lives in town and works for a car-seller, is gay. Shame! But soon, the gay son is requested by his younger brothers to come and help them because their old father is totally unable to run a house and becomes to drink. Meanwhile, the white neighbor of this family, a 50 years old bachelor woman grasps the opportunity to help and seduce the old African. Other women invade the story: the African sister in law coming right from Ivory Coast and a young and mysterious pregnant girl without a roof on her head. The old fashioned brothers of our 70 years old hero symbolize the African morale. It is a movie but could have been a cartoon, actors and actresses being able to drive a lot of emotions by making wonderful story-telling faces. It's a pity it is only a TV show.