It is supposed to be a romantic comedy; but it is neither funny, nor romantic. As someone who knows several Angelinos, some of whom are actors, I find the depiction of actors in this movie very misguided and unrealistic. A similar option would be Hollywood Sex Wars, that movie is actually entertaining, funny, and has twists and turns all through the plot that are more interesting. Also, the characters in Sex Wars are more realistic than in Slightly. I like a lot of movies where suspension of disbelieve is crucial to the plot; but this one, without being sci-fi or fantasy totally failed the suspension of disbelief test. I simply refuse to believe that there exist women as stupid as the protagonist. Awful date movie, too. Sex Wars might be a good date movie if the girl you asked out is into raunchy humor. This movie is trying to be a RomCom (and failing epically), and RomCom's are the last type of movie you should ever choose as a date movie, especially if it has no explicit sex scenes (Only spinsters with a house full of cats watch that kind of crap). Your average straight up comedy with a romantic subplot is much better. I got laid after watching Anchorman, for christsakes, and I got a beautiful baby out of that deal. One star for Slightly Crappy RomCom.