This was an excellent film, and splendidly presented. For example, one male character, who was the story's "horse's ass," was presented in a logical manner, without being extreme or "over the top;" likewise for a minor character, who made a pass at the sisters at his hotel, who just accepted the rebuff, as likely in real life (instead of doing something outrageous and vengeful, as one would expect from a lot of made-for-TV fare).
The two leads, the previously-estranged sisters, the one's son, the other's former (and caring) ex-husband, and their late brother's former companion, are all thoroughly likable and believable, and present fine performances.
The scenery and locales (all Canadian, of course) were attractive, and, again,all aspects of the story, as it developed for beginning to conclusion, achieved everything which the writer and director would have intended, in the right measure and degree. One could care for the characters, empathize and sympathize, and appreciate the absence of the usual contrivances with which this type of story is often infused, to their detriment.
Not so here. It is also a film which I will enjoy seeing again.