I generally like comics and superheroes, but that doesn't always mean I like each and every iteration. I was a bit worried after seeing the trailer, mostly because of two things: special effects, and the tone (between the dark and gritty, and what they showed to be the colorful Starfire).
I have to say, I was kind of impressed. Sure, they're maybe trying a bit too hard to be dark and gritty, but (especially later) they set it off with some humor (not over the top) and cool combination of characters. I really like Dick Grayson, and Brenton's portrayal, as kick-ass yet conflicted former sidekick of Batman. I liked the choreography of his fight scenes. Gar is a nice addition to add lightheartedness, without being full-out comic relief. Raven is maybe a tadbit wooden, but adds some charm to the group, and I am most impressed by Starfire, as colorful, mysterious, bad-ass superhero.
I'm halfway through season one, but have high hopes for the remainder of the season and any further seasons that might hopefully come.