Using the money found in the back of the sofa and CGI the director and producers have crafted a work of love with nods to Bladerunner, Judge Dredd etc. Set in an alternative "future" with flying cars and handheld scanners etc the hero battles villians and evil corporations.. The acting is tolerable with a largely unknown cast of semipros but sometimes seems amateur. The filming is largely done at night to disguise the lack of real sets, but also to give it more atmosphere.
Ultimately the story is nothing you havent seen before, CGI good for the budget but still transparent, Many plot holes and questions abound probably forced by the budget, e.g. You have flying cars but everyone still fights with their fists?
If you are a fan of low budget indy films or scifi then this may be for you. Full kudos to the makers for the effort and I hope they can raise a decent budget next time.