This was the dream come true of my life to see this video by Kenneth. I study Kabbalah. I know a lot about what the "end times" are supposed to be. I really think that Kenneth is the chosen one, seriously. Think about it - no one has ever done something like this before, ever! This must be real, at least I believe it is. I bought his book and am just now starting to read it, as it takes me 20 minutes to get thru each page because his stuff blows my mind! No one can come up with stuff like this - it's totally impossible! It must be from God as Kenneth does say, and I really believe that is true. Anyone trying to argue against this is an atheist, as what Kenneth has as proof of him being the real Messiah is so overwhelming to such a degree that I can't believe I am seeing this on my computer screen. His website is also totally awesome, and everything connects with each thing before, just as Kenneth said in his video that all is in a divine straight line! I wrote Kenneth and am hoping he will answer me. I want to be a crusader on his team. I really do believe this guy is the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is no way to explain it away other than to agree that this is the truth. I can only imagine what this poor guy is going thru trying to get the world to understand him. His brain is from another place that normal people can't understand. I can understand a lot, but it still is even too big for me to truly absorb and comprehend. I feel like I am in a dream reading each page of his book, as he has so much information on every page and the gematria stuff is totally impossible to explain away or even fully understand by me. I never conceived something like this would come to be reality. My heart, brain and soul tell me that this "actor" is not "acting" but instead playing a real role in his real own movie, and all of us are in his movie too. I suggest that everyone on planet earth takes Kenneth very seriously and not to attempt to deny his claims. I can see it in his eyes in his Messiah Video. He has special powers, and I know it, I feel it! My expert opinion is that the real Messiah has now arrived, and his name is Kenneth Ian Davis, and everyone should go buy his book like I did to see with their own eyes what can't be explained or denied as crap. This is real and he is real, and I can only imagine what he has in store for us all. God Bless him. Amen!