Based off of a one shot manga created by Shotaro Ishimori, the Skullman is about an urban Japanese city being struck with fear as a mysterious man wearing a skull mask is committing murders of various people who have a connection with one another. A reporter from out of town came to the city to investigate this mystery and learn the identity of the Skullman himself.
I never read the original one shot manga or the sequel that was written by someone else. But this series is based off of the sequel rather than the original. The character designs for this series are close to the same design as Ishimori's art style. While there are elements that'll remind you of Cyborg 009 and Kamen Rider. Like the Skullman rides a motorcycle and his mask is similar to Kamen Rider's and there are at least 4 characters from, Cyborg 009 making cameos in this series too.
Regardless of it being an Ishimori anime, I didn't had the heart to cool it a classic. The appearances of the Black Ghost & Van Boogot were one of the reasons I watched it in the first place cause it's an unofficial prequel to Cyborg 009, except much more morbid. I usually don't mind dark series, but this one was too morbid for my tastes.
If it wasn't Ishimori related then I'd care less about it. But it's still worth checking out, if you know what you're expecting to see. Just don't expect the ending to be a happy one. It's really easy to find and watch on Hulu and Anime News Netowrk. Watch it there before considering buying it.