I have rarely seen a movie that made me itch to turn it off in the title sequence but "Bulletface" sure did because the title sequence is like 20 Minutes long and already showcasing some of the most irritating and uneven editing I have seen for a while. The constant use of freeze frames without any explicable reason, the rapid time jumps and split screens (most of the time also not conveying any atmosphere or information) and the names of actors and characters written on screen along with changing locations made it hard for me to grasp when the title was over and the movie began. To me the first 20 minutes were a title collage that was incredibly boring while introducing dozens of useless editing gimmicks that were meant to make it edgy and thrilling.
After all they continued that... for example with the ridiculous special FX of people dying from the wonder drug that they used a million times so you were sure to see how bad the FX really are.
I won't waste any time on the plot, you can read it in the synopsis. The fact that the lead character "Bulletface" gets shot into the face which must have been grazing shot but leaves a clear hole in her cheek is ridiculous enough to hate the movie and it just goes on like that. Bad action sequences, mediocre acting and a constant trying to have looks and atmosphere of movies like Bourne Identity which fails on the silly soundtrack that makes you feel like there must be action somewhere but you can't find it anywhere on screen.
Ignore this.