Speed is an action thriller film directed by Vikram Bhatt. The film stars Zayed Khan, Sanjay Suri, Urmila Matondkar, Aftab Shivdasani, Aashish Chaudhary and Tanushree Dutta.
A young man receives a phone call from a woman claiming to have been kidnapped. Meanwhile, the abductors use her as a hostage to force her MI5 husband into assassinating the Indian prime minister.
Vikram Bhatt from the Bhatt camp who are notorious in coping English films making into Hindi ones comes up with another terrible film which is copied from English film Cellular. One the one hand Cellular is a decent action film but on the other hand Speed is a terrible copy.
The plot which is copied from an English film has a very bad execution. The film only interests for the first 20-25 minutes or so and then starts irritating.
Acting is bad and the film is filled by few of the most terrible actors of Indian film industry such as Zayed Khan, Tanushree Dutta and Ashish Chaudhary who never disappoints when it comes to terrible acting. Zayed Khan always irritates when he is on screen. Aftab Shivdasani, Urmila Matondkar and Sanjay Suri are some good actors but are wasted badly in the film.
Screenplay of the film is average and doesn't excites much, songs of the film is forgettable and climax of the film is predictably bad.
Please avoid the film.