In this clever, over-the-top satire of daytime soap operas, "The Young, The Gay and The Restless" (2006) especially pokes fun at the current trend of including gay characters in such shows, by providing a storyline where everyone seems to be gay, married to someone gay, flirting with someone gay, or contemplating murdering a gay character. And, like actual daytime "soaps", there's several plots going on simultaneously, as well as instances of cheating spouses, sexual predators, people holding grudges, incest, sluts, suicide, jealousy, gold-digging relatives worried about their inheritance, a secret criminal record, and even a bisexual foursome as a bit of icing on the cake.
In charge of this extended dysfunctional family is elderly but feisty and rich matriarch Victoria Gaylord, who brings everyone together for her birthday celebration, which is cut short when she has a fainting spell. Her husband, Francis (who has some skeletons in the closet as well), calls Dr. Bender who arrives on scene and proceeds to argue with Francis about who has her best interests in mind. Daughter Cynthia arrives at the party late with her husband Phillip, who is concerned that his wife is a bit TOO close to one of her brothers, and is also afraid of being "hit on" by gay brother Nicholas. Meanwhile, flirty gay houseboy Andrew is juggling a couple of prospective future as well as one former boyfriend, all of whom show up to court him, as does a young lady who wants to be Andrew's "try it once" woman. Dr. Bender's sassy assistant, Nurse Jones, arrives last, but her treatment plan for Victoria isn't exactly what others had in mind.
A well-written, campy, tacky, sarcastic, (intentionally and brilliantly) overacted and hilarious treat, not to be missed! The only negative is a technical gaffe: the background music is way too loud, and sometimes drowns out the dialogue. But I can't hold that important enough to give this creative confection less than a full five stars out of five! DVD has no extras, other than chapter stops.
Official site, with trailers: