After reading the reviews for this movie, it seems like the main reason it has been negatively reviewed is due to the unrealistic aspects of the movie. I'll admit, there are a lot of dumb moments. How does Megan get on the wrong plane when her ticket should have stopped her? How does she book such an expensive room for so long by herself? Why are the thugs so stupid? All of these things are silly, but in the end it doesn't really matter. Drake and Josh has never been a serious show, so don't take it seriously.
Having said that, the movie itself is actually pretty good. It feels more like a long episode than a movie, but that's what often happens with movies based on TV shows. The jokes are in the traditional Drake and Josh style, with the noticeable lack of a laugh track in the background. The only complaint I have about the humor is that Josh doesn't behave like he normally does, which does take away from the fun a bit. He seems too serious and doesn't make as many sarcastic comments about Drake here, nor does he do any of his, as one reviewer put, "Josh- gasms."
The story is adequate. It's obvious that the focus was on the jokes and not the story, and considering that the audience is composed of kids and young teenagers, this was probably a good idea.
There are some good moments in it aside from the humor. The fight scenes are OK but nothing too thrilling, and the car chases are pretty good by TV sitcom standards. There are a few moments where I actually felt legitimately feel good and bad for Drake and Josh, which is rare for me.
Overall, a pretty solid comedy if you look past it's obvious errors.