This is a sketch comedy show made in the Republic of Macedonia. It stars three local men, from three different regions of Macedonia who specialize in parodying the stereotypes of people from their regions. To the casual observer or foreigner, much of the humor is lost in translation. But for those who have an interest in Balkan history and interethnic relations, the subtle and not-so-subtle commentaries on human affairs and social mores are incredibly rich and as witty as the Marx Brothers. But what is most remarkable about this enduring series is its ability to unite the various ethnic groups in Macedonia through humor: although ethnic stereotypes are depicted and lampooned, the self-depreciating humor is appreciated by everyone. In this case, laughter truly is the best medicine, for those familiar with the conflicts and ethnic tensions in the region. "K-15" (which is a slang term for social security) has an obvious small budget and scenes that drag on with stuttering and limited camera set ups, but for what it is, it is the best media production Macedonia has made, including the drab and pretentious "Before the Rain".