And lots of camera work from above. Yeah! Take it off!
Oops. Sorry. Lost my place. I'm not in a scuzzy bar; I'm watching a network movie.
Camera zooms that pull the eyeballs from your sockets (not to mention dinner from your stomach). Cliché scripting that must have been written by teenagers. Atrocious acting. Bad government officials who won't believe anything is wrong after 3 cities get flattened. And it only gets better! We actually laughed out loud several times. I can't wait for part 2...
And then, after about an hour
what's that quiet grinding noise? It sounds like it's right here in the room with me, and I don't even have surround sound! Oh my goodness, it IS in the room with me! It's my girlfriend snoring. Apparently she uses her time more wisely than I do.
1 star.
I wonder what Category 8 will be like
not to mention Godzilla vs Category 9, et cetera.
****Quick follow-up after watching Part 2 (you can read the other reviews for movie details and spoilers if you can't handle the suspense):
What a blast! The corny ending was even more barfacious that we predicted. And my girlfriend fell asleep again.
I do question CBS's judgment airing this so soon after Katrina and Rita. Those still suffering may not be impressed with FEMA patting itself on the back the way it did in this movie.