....and contains a horridly heavy-handed message about the importance of retaining cultural identity while living in a foreign land.
Wonderful performance by Stella is the only thing that holds the film together. Uniformly wooden performances from the rest of the cast and some really pretentious cinematography that adds nothing to the story. Not to mention the worst music score i've heard in years.
This film is nowhere near as good as the film-maker likes to think it is and I am not a fan of stick your fingers down your throat melodrama, but hey, a lot of film-illiterates in the audience seemed to like it.
Apparently I have to submit 10 lines of text for my comments to be accepted and for a man of many words when it comes to film, i think it shows just how little i thought of this short that i couldn't muster up those required 10 lines. (oh, now i have!)
p.s. And hold on, I just came back and saw someone comparing the visuals to Bertolucci and Wong Kar-Wai, oh dear!!! get some perspective!!! Little over-board don't you think??? Both those film-makers have an extraordinarily tight method behind everything that appears on screen, something which is completely neglected by this film-maker.