"Kommissionen" is a Swedish made-for-TV drama/thriller series about the events following a a terrorist strike against Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.
The story, in short - During a summit held in Stockholm a bomb is detonated close to the Swedish parliament. Resulting in a couple of thousand dead, as well as parts of central Stockholm being laid to waste. After a few days of chaos and turmoil, the government decides to form a committee with the purpose of finding those responsible for the bombing. This committee is populated by people from different political parties, with different backgrounds, occupations, loyalties, and so on. In short, a total mismatch of characters, but whose differences will be their greatest asset. That said, I'll leave the storyline, in order to keep from revealing too much.
The acting is good, as I would expect from a Swedish production. Likewise, the special effects aren't that great, something that I'd also expect.
However, what makes "Kommissionen" interesting is that it raises a lot of thoughts. It actually pinpoints problems that exist in Sweden of today, creates a few scenarios around those, and shows the viewer how it might turn out. Instead of doing it by the book by writing columns in newspapers and voicing off opinions in broadcasted debates, someone decided to make a TV series about it. For example, what would happen if someone decided to target Stockholm during an international summit? Well, probably what we just saw in "Kommissionen". And how would the society deal with this situation? Same thing, watch this show, and you'll get your answer. And so on and so forth.
Therefore, "Kommissionen" is in my opinion quite important, since many of us swedes are well aware that the society as well as our politicians in some matters needs to be roused from their complacency.
But, if you're not Swedish, or interested in Swedish affairs, i doubt this would be a very interesting show to watch. However, if you are Swedish, it wouldn't hurt to watch it. It might raise a few thoughts.