"Film Hindi" successfully manages to integrate characteristically Indian film themes into an Egyptian film and thus, incorporates such elements as romance, music/dancing, and melodrama in an attempt to mimic Indian films. The film focuses on the strong brotherly bond shared by the two main characters Sayed, a Muslim barber and Atef, a Christian satellite dish installer and analyses the influence of women, money, and religion on their relationship as well as their respective lives. It further highlights the issue of nationalism, questioning its strength among the younger generation and examines the influence of Algeria, India, and America on Egyptian culture.
There are several references to religion in the film and in general, the Muslim characters appear to be more selfless and devoted than the Christian characters and consequently Christianity seems to be portrayed in a negative manner. Furthermore, the female characters Mary and Aida are depicted as selfish and powerless respectively and thus, women in general are represented as immature and petty beings.
Overall, the film was entertaining and raised some issues regarding the lower/middle class Egyptian lifestyle worth examining.