Golden Sun:The Lost Age,is a sequel to the popular Game Boy Advance RPG,Golden Sun. The first Golden Sun starred four teenage kids destined to save the world from another group of people trying to destroy it by releasing a great power onto the world. Golden Sun: The Lost Age,is the exact same thing,except that you play as a group trying to do what the group from the first tries to prevent:Lighting the Four elemental lighthouses and unleashing Alchemy(the great power) onto the world. Instead of the original 4,there are now 8 characters. The Djinn(Elemental monsters that you can summon) are back as well,with over 27 different Djinn,all from four different elemental bases(Earth,Fire,Water,Wind). Also there are new dual-Djinn summons,you can summon the regular four different summons that a Djin can become,and you can combine two elements to become one strong summon. (Like 2 Water Djinn and 2 Wind Djinn to create a summon composed of two elements instead of one). The world map is the same with the exception of Boat travel. You can go almost anywhere thanks to the boat you recieve later in the game. The enemies don't appear until mid-way through the game,and then you don't even have to win against them. In my eyes,the first Golden Sun is better,for these reasons: The main character,Issac is a mute in the first,no longer a mute in the second. Felix(the hero in the second)is a mute in the second,not in the first. In the first the wise man called Kraden talks a little too much,he talks even more in the second. While they are both good games with stunning graphics and great gameplay,I just like the first better. All in all I give this game a 9/10.