This Canadian sequel to the 2001 American Lightning: Fire from the Sky is an underwhelming affair from start to finish and feels so very unnecessary.
What I mean by that is, a THAT?! Really!? I mean the first was better but still just your generic Scyfy channel-esque movie. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a connection between them but this is an entirely new tale.
Starring underrated Joanna Pacula and overrated Nick Mancuso this hops over cinematic release, fails to be a straight to DVD and gets relegated to regular repeats on the free channels.
It tells ultimately the same story, a "Super" storm is coming and an expert in the field of erm....lightning has to save the day. Trouble is nobody believes her! What shall she do?
Well she leads a very boring film that manages to pale in comparison to the already mediocre first movie. Full of overwhelming volumes of pseudo science, a generic script and instantly forgettable sequences this is a bit of a mess.
A weak addition to the library of even the most hardcore disaster movie fan.
The Good:
Joanna Pacula
The Bad:
The "Nobody believes them until it's too late" trope is really tired
Too much pseudo science
Whole thing just comes across very phoned in
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Jiffy gas should be a real thing
The movie industry doesn't like Big Ben