I got this game back in the day when it first came out. For reasons I cannot quite remember (it was 20 years in-between plays) I never finished the game the first time around. Then I learned that the game was not complete and I was never able to get my hands on the second part so I just never finished. That is until now, since I have gotten an emulator that has both this one and the second one in it. Not sure why the game was split into two parts as while the graphics are pretty good, there are not several cut scenes or anything that should make containing it on one cart difficult. Still, this one was fun, but man the story leaves one hanging.
The story has a town where one night a boulder begins to make its way to the village, adepts hold it back using their powers, but it eventually rampages the village and a girl's brother and parents are killed and the hero of the game loses his father. After awhile they enter the forbidden sanctuary and embark on a quest as villains have kidnapped the girl and Issac and his friend Garret must leave the only village they have ever known in pursuit. They will meet two other's with special powers Mia and Ivan as they travel to this lighthouses where the villains try to activate them for reasons not known to us.
The combat in this one is pretty fun as it is turned based, but you get to assign these creatures called Djinn to each character which boosts attack, gifts the characters with magic and can be summoned to perform super powerful attacks. You also have to use powers such as mind reading, reveal, move and lift among others to make your way through many obstacles along the way. It makes for some difficult puzzles at times, but not too bad. This game does the standard overhead map and entering towns, forests and caves which I like as I have yet to play a game that does not have the overhead map where the world feels all that big.
So, it was cool finally getting through this thing. It was much easier to do on my television rather than on the Gameboy Advanced suffice to say. Really helped me see things easier. I got to the Colosso tournament the first time, and as it turns out, that is pretty much near the end of the game. I think I got flustered during the tournament and forgot to save or something. Anyways, a fun RPG game that I would have preferred simply been whole when I got it, but at least now I do have access to the second part as I am curious to see where the story goes.