Fruits basket is about a girl named Tohru Honda. After her mother dies in a car crash, her grandfather does not have the money to support her, so she decides to live in a tent in the woods until she can get back on her feet. Then one day, on her way to school, she comes across the house of Yuki Sohma, the 'prince' of her high school. But there is more to Yuki and his family then meets the eye. As Tohru soon learns, when ever a member of Yuki's family gets hugged by someone of the opposite sex, they transform into one of the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Tohru ends up moving in with the Sohma family as a housekeeper/cook in exchange for room and board, and she is introduced one-by-one to the rest of the clan (some of whom are.. VERY.. unusual).
But now its time for my opinion on Fruits basket: This series is great! It's already one of my favorites, after watching it I had to watch it again, and again, and again until I knew it by heart. Fruits basket is heartwarming, it's funny, cute, and even a little Romantic at times (but you cant have a good series with out a little romance, now can you?) But it's not mushy and won't put you to sleep, and when if it starts to get a little too sappy and you get a little tired, you won't drift off to sleep because one of the characters will blurt out something funny and the boredom will end immediatly.
Also, if you're sick of 'school girl travels to another world' stories or series that involve high school students saving the world from destructions, give 'fruits basket' a try. The charters are WONDERFULL, there wasn't one I didn't like. I even found myself getting attached to Akito (the main 'villain' in this story, if you can even call him that). I like Tohru as well, which is strange because I usually find myself not liking the main female character. They always seem to winey or too nice for their own good. Sure Tohru is nice, but in a way that she is believable.
This series is a must for anyone who likes cute stories, without too much mush, and remembered characters; plus, it won't bore the daylights out of you. Over the course of its 26 episodes, Fruits Basket has made me laugh harder than any other anime I've ever seen, and then it goes right ahead and takes me on an emotional rollercoaster ride until I'm bawling along with the characters onscreen. But no matter what happened, it always leaves me with a smile and a feeling that if I could just have an ounce of the inner strength that these characters display, I would be all the better for it.