I wonder if the reviewers are still around who wrote of this concert in 2000, before 9/11, and since that tragic event if their reviews still stand. I suspect they will look at this fine effort in a different light now, and love it more. It's like looking back at innocent children before bad things happened. Although the film, Oh Brother, Where are Thou, is a favorite of mine I missed this special and didn't discover it until Netflix instant downloads became available. I have been watching it three or four times a week since I discovered it. I was shocked to find out it was done in 2000, 11 years ago. I love hearing the family's, The Cox's, the White's and of course the little Pesall sisters, who I imagine have grown and look a lot different now. I haven't Googled any of the talent in this concert because I was afraid of what I might find. Alison Krauss and Emmy Lou Harris are perfect. The Fairfield Four opened the show and Ralph Stanley closes it but the between part has purest blues and blue grass I have ever heard. That Welch/Rawlings are quit the pair. I will probably spoil this by watching it too many times but I just can't stop.