Three ex-Eastenders actors Todd Carty, Chris McHallem and Nick Berry along with two others plan to steal the crown jewels in Victorian England.
They are caught, get mistaken for Chartists. The authorities ensure the four men and one woman are sentenced to life to a penal colony in Australia.
Sick of tired of receiving brutal treatment and the lash in the ship transporting them. They manage to escape from the ship when it docks in Cape Town.
Despite South Africa being a vast country. Wherever they go, the pursuing soldiers seem to find them or someone grasses them up.
Also one of them never learns that his pack of cards and gambling just invites more trouble.
Billed as a western, there is an over the top shootout at the climax. The script is half baked. At one point they come across an aristocrat who is the dead ringer of a duke and he might be illegitimate son of a king.