Firstly expanding the cast/crew was an excellent move, allowing for greater intricacy and diversity in the social dynamic, instantly making the show more watchable from a humanized perspective; not sure about every one wearing black, shiny materials though~ a bit Angel-esk or something. "Popa Bear" played almost too convincingly by Steven Marcus is an essential character not only for comic relief, but also as a moral contrast; when one of the crew considers morally ambiguous action, Rudolpho comments and suddenly all other crew are absolved in sheer, sharp contrast to Rudolpho's impeccable immorality. Redesigning the Tulip to the more lengthy, aerodynamic, grey beauty was an excellent idea, as the stunted red ship was not very memorable.
On the whole more aesthetically pleasing, lost the elements of drab realism the first season had and replaced it with a more adolescent-friendly paradigm. Take that last comment how ever you want. Some of the more successful elements still seemed quite formulaic take the relationship between Kali and Travis, it's almost a cliché as writing techniques go, but some times the oldest tricks still work best eh?
Overall i rate Starhunter-2300(s2) as more watchable for mainstream audiences, yet still successful with the more fanatical Scifi lovers among us. If you created or worked on the series what more could you possibly want to hear..? Yeh, I know, "Season 3 is not canceled." ... oh well? As it is written: OM-MANI-PADME-HUNG : ) Tibetan translation: "ubiquitous, infinite compassion" : )