I attended the MINI AFFAIR at the American Cinemateque in Hollywood with Director Amram in attendence. By the way, the U.S. title was THE MINI-MOB - though director Amram was hard pressed to remember WHERE or WHEN the film actually played in the USA.
One point which Amram made was that the Producers/Distributors lopped off the prologue of the film (I.E. The part which explains WHY these attractive ladies can't find a man without kidnapping them!). As it plays on screen in the release print, it DOES seem like the opening is missing. Right off, they're all hatching the kidnap plan - "Why?" is left unsaid.
Not that the strained silliness would have been made much better or more coherent anyway. This is one of those curios where the stuff in the margins (throwaway lines, goofball 'period' swipes & broad caricatures) are better than the main plot. And, the Bee Gees music and backing score aren't half bad as well. As slight as the film is, it should be released somehow on DVD. You'd think the Bee Gees alone would have warranted SOME kind of release by now.