I picked this DVD up at Wal-Mart for 2 bucks, hoping it would kill 2 hours of Saturday afternoon boredom. I knew nothing about it and had no preconceived notion as to what it was about, the actors involved, or the material about to be shown. I was rather surprised and impressed by the movie.
Andre B. Blake (Jackson) carries the weight of nearly the entire movie on his shoulders and does so very competently (with Patrick Van Horn (Arrow)chiming in a strong performance of his own...a little spastic comedy relief), the direction and camera work was well done with a limited soundtrack befitting the situations. The script was extremely well written with pop-culture references, humour, and irony. It was of a caliber that should have gotten more attention (a more "Hollywood" cast could have made this movie what it strived to be). The one MAJOR downfall or distraction was the boom that seem to be in the shot more than out (the boom operator should perhaps find another line of work).
The DVD synopsis puts it in a league with "Go" and "Pulp Fiction", now I wouldn't place it at this level, but there was enough twisting action to keep me interested for an hour and thirty seven minutes. Worth checking out, if even a little curious.