Tells the story of three bike riders whom seem to spend their time riding, laughing, paying their dues to the jakuza and seeking out to rape young women victims. At least two, lead by Kawashima (black helmet) and Kaji (orange helmet). There seemed to be a hint that the other one Sada (sunglasses) wasn't interested in women.
Even though the film is well shot, with believable dialogue and is fast moving. It really does start off right away. We see within the first five minutes these bikers make their first attempted rape on a young woman Nami (she was a passenger in a bright vehicle passing by). Of course they stopped the vehicle with their bikes and threw the driver out.
Another quite disturbing somewhat climax is the further rape scene once again with this woman but this time she was fleeing but was soon stopped in the rain by the railroad's (around the 39 minute mark). There seemed to be soothing music playing throughout which was odd.
The main subplot though reflects with the lead biker protecting his younger sister Megu. Within with an hour she gets attempted raped by one of his friends (Kaji) yet she never tells her brother (which was bizarre). The final twenty minutes feels rather slowed down as we are watching the brother trying to figure what happened. The very ending wasn't very good either as none of these characters really got what they deserved. As a film it is intended in being disturbing with its nature due to its somewhat realism and not for everyone.