This piece of crap could have been made for less than $500,000. Instead, Longshot is a terrific example of how the "industry" will get millions of dollars from investors to produce a bomb! Every cameo actor will admit that they acted in the film for the pay check, not because they loved the script or admired the director talents in film making. The money spent on this film could have funded a handful of talented independent film makers who could have used the opportunity to produce a decent film. I shook my head at this film because of the lack of talent. Poor acting, bad directing, and a terrible screenplay makes up Longshot. This film did nothing for the industry, the actors, or the art of independent cinema. Besides the paycheck that the cast and crew made on this joke of a movie, can anyone honestly say that this film did anything positive besides making the Produce of this film a sad and undeserving profit from his sale to distribution?