Its Christmas Eve and a little boy is having trouble getting to sleep. He longs for a puppy in his stocking and the excitement is too great for him to nod off. Trying to help, his grandmother tells him a story about her dog when she was a young teenager. It seems Juliette (Jessica-Snow Wilson) found her canine, Baskerville the dalmatian, at an abandoned fire station but knew that her parents would probably object. Her father (Ken Tipton) was out of work and money was very tight. Fortunately, with her mama making her delicious stew quite often, Juliette was able to share her supper with her dog until, finally, her parents let her keep him. One day, Juliette asks to go to a local dog show and her ma and pa give permission. Taking her dog along, the judges think he is an entry and let her "show" Basky, even though Juliette doesn't have the entrance fee. He becomes a top five finalist! The winner will be decided the next day and the prize is $250! This is a lot of money for the late forties. When Juliette gets home, she decides to give Baskerville a bath in preparation for his big day. But, alas, leftover dye in the tub turns Basky blue. All of a sudden, father remembers a reclusive scientist in the woods and Juliette and her dog go to see if he has a remedy. Will Baskerville regain his beautiful black-and-white self and will he take top honors? This is a lovely, lovely family film, with great themes of hard work, thrift, obedience, and more. It also has an adorable dog who talks, with the help of a narrator. The cast has no well-known members but, nonetheless, is very good. Also, the setting in and around the small town is beautiful while the script, costumes, and direction are laudable, too. Even if you are the most "choosy" of parents when it comes to your kids' viewing decisions, you will adore this one. Operate your trusty car to the nearest video outlet and grab it soon.