Though the plot of the movie itself is not terribly original, 'Meet Prince Charming,' to me, has a lovely charm of its own. The fact that its actors aren't high-profile does indeed add a feeling of reality. I find that refreshing, and the fact that it's not a Meg Ryan film provides a sigh of relief. I do like Meg Ryan, but she can be over-the-top and has historically played such consistently high-strung characters that actors of that sort tire me out at times.
On the plot issue, this is truly a variation on a theme. Look at the title; it's a dead giveaway. My impression is that it wasn't intended to be more than it is. And in using the term variation I think of it as the word is used in music (classical, or if you're into rock, think of the variations between the studio release of a song and the live version . . . ). Another example would be the many variations of the Cinderella story, from the Disney animated version, to the lovely classic 1960s television version, to the far different 'Ever After,' where the 'Cinderella' character is a strong woman, indeed a 'tough chick.' Another way to look at it is to compare it to television. It's like taking a break from the X-commercialization of the CSI empire and all the similar shows. I enjoy them sometimes, but they're glitzy/glamorous, 'fast & furious,' and are intent on producing the highest drama they can put into their alloted time. They can be wearying! If you've ever seen the lower-key but more realistic-feeling 'da Vinci's Inquest,' a Canadian production, you'll be aware of the difference. I like it far better, for viewing on a regular basis.
My point is that though the movie is low-key and obviously wasn't a big commercial-success-type film, it has a gentle and thoughtful sweetness that, for this viewer, was worth watching. And yes, it is definitely a chick flick.