Well, I saw this film on possibly the greatest channel on Satellite, the IFC, on the programe "Short Film collections" (Got get the the bloody thing on DVD already!) I would like to give congrats. to the writer, producer, and director, Russel Michaels, who, for some apparent reason, has not done anything else in his film career besides this. So, if this was his hello and goodbye to film-making then I wish him a well and good future because Bathtime is one of the greatest short films ever put down on paper, and then, ever put down on the lovely film. Bravo!
I think this film should be extended and then put in theatres because this is, like I said, a well-done masterpiece...and little known for some reason. Well, I hope you enjoyed this first comment on this cut little short film; the film speaks of suicide for someone you love...the only problem is keeping that commitment!