What the hell is in the comments? Elsifenello and ilamos2 wrong, the film is quite good for its time, it was even presented at Cannes, but it's not perfect, but it's still in 1961 years old, the specifics of the time must be taken into account, well, especially for Elsifenello I'll write that the film is based on Tolstoy and not on Dostoevsky and no problems with the aristocracy and with the Cossack landowners in Russia for 100 years already not, ailamos2 in general, he wrote some kind of schizophrenia, in the film is no "ubiquitous socialist realism and the general party line" and where did you even manage to see it : " Mediocre plot dealing with love affair with propaganda sequences in the beginning and at the end of the film where we see operating harvesters, vast sown lands and cheerful peasants singing and marching, presumably, towards the bright feature of socialism",this is not in the film, since the film takes place in the 19th century and it is based on the story of Leo Tolstoy, did you watch the movie well? If they watched it at all, because,you are completely wrong about the movie, you need to rewatch his.