Prostitutes Protective Society (1966)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
A group of prostitutes have everything good going for them. They're making a lot of cash and enjoying their jobs until a mob wants them to hand over their money. The ladies refuse so the mob has several of them killed. Finally, the hookers are pushed too far and they decide to get some revenge.
Director Barry Mahon made some rather campy, silly and over-the-top movies in his career and often times they mixed genres like his now infamous THE BEAST THAT KILLED WOMEN. That film mixed horror and nudity with outrageous results. This film here manages to take the familiar plot of a sexploitation film and mix it with a crime picture and the end result isn't a complete success but it's certainly an entertaining 62 minutes.
The film benefits the most from some of the silly situations that include the various mob hits. There are some pretty goofy moments where various hookers are killed only to have their co-workers then sit around talking about it. These talks usually slow the picture down but more times than not all of these scenes at least have one woman naked to keep the male viewers interested.