This film has been bundled with "Battle of Blood Island" by Something Weird Video and they both have a lot in common. Both were made with minuscule budgets. Both had tiny casts. And, both were WWII war films that were made during the late 50s to mid-60s. However, while "Battle of Blood Island" proved you could still make a half non-way decent film with next to no money, "Shell Shock" would almost seem to prove the opposite.
"Shell Shock" is a very dull film. What makes it much worse is that, according to the movie, WWII must have involved a dozen or so men TOTAL on both sides! That's because you never see more than three or four or five guys at any one time in the film and the action is almost non-existent. To make matters worse, the German soldiers look like American college students from 1964---and I truly believe that's what they are. The black rimmed 60s nerd style glasses and hairdos are clearly NOT German circa 1944! As for the plot, it isn't bad but overacting all around really sink the production. The story involves a soldier who has just been decorated for bravery going nuts because he's so badly in need of a break from the action. Ultimately, however, the guy snaps out of it and single-handedly wins WWII...or something like that.
Overall, it's just amazingly dull from start to finish. Seeing a very few guys wearing army surplus uniforms and running around the hills outside Los Angeles isn't my idea of fun...and I doubt if it would be yours.