The idea is very interesting, and Janeane is downright brilliant. And I don't even mind how depressing it is. But halfway through I was ready to shut it off. If not for Janeane, I would have. I found the dialogue very unrealistic. And the fact that Arliss falls so hard for a woman who insulted, tricked and threatened him is very bizarre. I think Jasmine's comments at the end, on the phone, were right on. He had a White Knight thing going on. And what was the point of Bobcat's character always nipping off to the john for some self-gratification? I wonder if Janeane and Mitch were still a couple when this movie was made? That aspect made it interesting, but overall I wouldn't recommend this movie. I am waiting for Janeane to use her immense talent in a movie that will be better than just her performance.