I like the show, it's not bad. It's quite old, but nonetheless, it's good. Especially the Wayans bros, they're very funny. Or the best parts when they smack their dad, and he takes off the belt, and starts beating them with it. lmao, good stuff. It's on BET sometimes,it's time well spent. The show didn't go on very long, i think from 1994, to 1999, something like that. I'm not sure.
However, it's a really good show. I haven't watched it much, but from the few shows i've seen it's really funny. There's some drama, but not much. Mostly laughter. Hey, no comment there. That's the best part.
So, should you watch Wayans bros, i think you should. There's just so much laughter, and all kinds off stuff. So give it a shot.