Thanks to Peter (Bogdonovich) for participating in this project/getting the movie re-released. Admittedly, it's not for everyone, but then, even the director admits it in his interview. In fact, he points out it's rather become a "cult classic" and I agree. So truthfully, I tell those who might view these commentaries, that we seem to separate into two camps: those who enjoy the entertainment value, and those who do not.
The film was not made to create any particular lessons, change your point of view about anything, in fact, it wasn't even written in such a way that any of the "players" were gonna become famous for their roles. Nevertheless, the film creates some interesting characters, characters whom all but the coldest-hearts-would certainly pull for as the movie unfolds. Also, the actors do an amiable job of creating endearment as they evolve a bit from beginning to end. Beyond that, there is also a terrific soundtrack of country music for those who love the genre, including three versions of "Blame It On Your Heart".
I sadly look over my shoulder to the memory of River Phoenix and may now be reminded of what a talent he truly could have developed into. And again viewing the movie, I found myself more forgiving to the original headlines of how/who may have brought about his demise. Each character in this movie brought something with them that still makes me a fan. Yes, I give the movie a "7", but, as with Samantha's little song near the end of the movie, this feature is on my wall of favorite dvds to stay!. I do hope others will join me in enjoying it's return to our screens. RLjr