Edgy, atmospheric little psycho thriller made the more interesting for having Michael Ironside in his usual typecast role. Yep you guess it right
no one does stone-cold, dangerous psycho better than Ironside. What I thought was going to be a political/conspiracy sort of thriller, transcended into a basic on-the-run, cat-and-mouse format between a psycho (whose brother just happens to be a senator up for re-election) and young photographer (whose older brother just recently died taking some discriminating photos). It becomes a battle of wills between the two as Ironside toys around with John Pyper-Ferguson's out-on-his feet character; blackmail, murder and a lot photos. We are thrown right into it, but the narrative while taut and quick moving is quite hazy and unfocused on the details. Things just seem to happen with little insight and can be unbelievably ludicrous. There's no question though, it's as mundane as you can get but David Winning's sharp workman-like handling impulsively engages and so does Ironside's deviously menacing turn as a brother living in the shadows of older brother. Pyper-Ferguson is modest across from him and Krista Errickson is reasonably good as a lady who gets up in it all. Also starring was another well-known face; M. Emmet Walsh adequately holds his own in the small moments he's in.
"You killed my happy ending"! "To hell with your happy ending"!