"Lottie Mason" (Theresa Russell) is a vice cop who works during the night as an undercover prostitute. Her boss, "Lt. Joe Morgan" (George Dzundza) is corrupt and makes life as tough as possible for her because she won't sleep with him. Meanwhile, the Assistant District Attorney, "Stan" (Jeff Fahey) is trying to make a case against a dangerous drug dealer named "Tony Peron" (Shawn Elliott) and needs an attractive undercover agent to entice a witness to testify against him. Naturally, Lottie agrees to do the job. Now, rather than revealing the entire plot I will just say that things begin to go haywire soon afterward. As far as the overall film is concerned I thought Theresa Russell looked absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately, I felt that the relationship between her and "Stan" lacked chemistry. Along with that, I also thought that the first half of the film was much too slow developing and didn't really start to pick up any steam until the final 30 minutes or so. In short, it wasn't a bad movie but given the talent available it certainly could have been better. I give it an average rating.