Antonio Margheriti's filmography is interesting and varied. It featured such well made Italian films as Danse Macabre and Schoolgirl Killer; as well as some trash, such as The Last Hunter, Death Rage and Cannibal Apocalypse. One thing you have to credit the director with, however, is that even when he's making trash; he usually makes it well, and while Alien from the Deep is not exactly a high quality piece of film-making; I do firmly believe that it would have been a lot worse in the hands of a lesser director. The title features the word 'alien' and the film was released not long after James Cameron's Aliens was a big hit; so seeing as this is an Italian film, it should be pretty clear that it's a rip off of the Alien films. Unlike the Alien films (but a bit like the first Predator film), this one takes place out in the jungle. We focus on a big (evil) corporation with an irresponsible approach to waste management; they're pouring it all down a volcano (oh yes), and naturally this leads to trouble in the form of a giant monster.
The film puts it's focus on a couple of people aiming to expose the big corporation's social ills, and this gives it a bit of plot to work with outside of the main monster theme. It has to be said that it can be a little dull at times; but things never ground to a complete halt and Margheriti keeps our interest well enough until the monster appears on screen. Naturally, the monster is saved for as long as possible; but all the scenes featuring it are generally well orchestrated and amusing. Only parts of the monster are shown at first; and it seems to be a sort of scorpion-like contraption...but this leads to disappointment when it's actually revealed towards the end, as it turns out to look more than just a little bit silly (HR Giger has nothing to worry about). The cast is nothing to write home about really; but we do get a pleasant surprise in the form of Charles Napier, who is perfectly cast as the main bad guy. Aside from the monster there's a few interesting ideas, and the monster itself is fun in the way it attacks from underwater and underground. The film is most definitely trash and there's no denying it; but it's also a lot of fun and I can recommend it.