Let me dispense of babble up front before the meat and potatoes. Nick Nolte did Guy Hamilton better in Under Fire. Nonetheless. If you are a Weir fan, you are a Weir fan. Except for the nauseating Witness, I am. How many Spottiswoode fans are there? Don't want to rehash---there are a thousand AWESOME reviews at this site. Michael Murphy will never get his due. I want to hone in on the neglect ( a couple posters got it) of the Gibson-Weaver sizzle. Having Sigourney laugh her ass off during most of the courtship was starling and brilliant. Reminded me of what real people do...Guy Hamilton chain-smoking during opera music thinking of her was priceless...their "blue-drink" afternoon, mesmerizing; him cornering her her at an embassy party then crashing curfew to that unforgettable score: unforgettable. A poster, quite a few entries below, mentioned what you remember in Wier's films long after it's over is the romance. Somewhat true. How do you explain Gallilopi? Regardless, this is a dangerous film with unforgettable cinematography and acting. And the romance rules! Politics outside your own realm of personal understanding are as dangerous as romance, but this film artfully understands this. In fact, that's probably the point. I love to see this once a year to remind me how good movies can be.