This film essentially begins where its predecessor "The Twin Swords" left off with a young man named "Kuei Wu" (Jimmy Wang Yu) and his bride "Kan Lien Chu" (Ping Chin) being given a terrible weapon known as the Phoenix Lute by a great warrior known as the "Scarlet Maid" (Ivy Ling Po) to destroy once they reach a certain destination. Unfortunately, not long after an encounter with some bandits known as the Flying Tiger Clan, the Phoenix Lute is stolen--and this creates all kinds of problems for everyone involved. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this third film in the Shaw Brothers trilogy started off well enough but seemed to lose a bit of its edge once the focus shifted to the young sister of Kan Lien Chu by the name of "Kan Hsiao Ling" (Bo-Bo Fung). She just didn't seem that credible in her particular role as a warrior. At least, I didn't think so. Be that as it may, while I certainly don't consider this to be a bad film by any means, I don't believe it was quite as good as its immediate predecessor, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.