The 1973 film "Magnum Force" was a Dirty Harry film where a small group of cops began dispensing justice to criminals who somehow beat the system. In other words, these cops became judge, jury and executioners of folks who just needed killing, in their opinions. Despite Harry sympathizing, he was a good cop and eventually brings down this group of rogue cops. Now, in 1974, pretty much the same sort of plot has been recapitulated in "The Death Squad" enjoyable but completely unoriginal installment from "The ABC Movie of the Week".
The film begins with some cops killing a scum-bag who was able to avoid prison due to some technicality. Soon, Eric (Robert Forster) is recruited by the Police Commissioner to investigate this and a string of other recent murders that MIGHT be the work of rogue cops. However, Eric isn't thrilled with the idea since he had been thrown off the force some time earlier. But they want him because at least in his case they can be sure he's not involved in the killings. Soon (WAY TOO SOON), Eric is invited to become part of this murder squad...and not surprisingly, when they ultimately figure out he's working for the Commissioner, he's dead meat unless some sort of miracle occurs.
The best thing about this film is Robert Forster and his excellent performance. But this alone cannot make up for the script that was essentially a copy of "Magnum Force" much so that I am sure it irritated many audience members as well as the folks who made up this previous film. Watchable and enjoyable but hardly original.