This is a famous Walt Disney documentary, on the Amazon Rainforest and its Jaguar. I found that most of the scenes were edited to make a humanized appearance of the animals. In its day, this film was something special. Today it is historic to Disney lovers. Accustomed to watching the Discover Channel and Animal Planet, it appears hokey, much like John Ford's Battle of Midway. It contains some great footage that was either staged or edited to add character to this documentary. Disney must have wanted to portray animals as humans, there is a family of jaguars that are the main characters in this film. Seems to me that Reptiles are the bad guys in most of his documentaries. Human traits are the common thread in these Disney films, more about the human way of life applied to nature. All in all it is a historic film worth an hour of your time, even for a good laugh at the voice overs.