This interesting story deals about OBAMA a freedom fighter facing colonialism and set against the backdrop of apartheid .It's a serious colonial story about rebellion in an African country very compelling made and deserving a fine treatment with poignant moments . The story focuses on the segregation's opposition by Obam as well as the events leading up a rebellion by the organization of the Mark of Hawk. Obam renounce for living resignedly with discrimination and apartheid confronting the system for gaining independence. It's utterly convincing and does powerful and moving statement about the colonialism and apartheid. This exciting and startling drama maintains a strong grip throughout, however is urgent a digital remastering but the copy-film is worn-out. The best scenes are referred about a flashbacks in China where a Christian missionary, well played by John McIntire, is prisoned by the Mao's communists and his Chinese son . Superb casting with fine all around acting. Good ensemble actors, both Sidney Poitier as freedom fighter to get racial equality and Eartha Kitt turn in wonderfully performances, furthermore include song titled 'This man is mine'sung by Kitt, the future cat-woman in Batman TV series . John McIntire is splendid as doomed preacher and awesome Juano Hernandez in an understated, restrained performance.This feature with hopeful message of potential racial harmony is well realized by Michael Audley in his first and only one.
This thought-provoking, well-meaning expose that, like many others, focuses on African and white people conflicts , such as those also starred by Sidney Potier : 'Something of value'(1957)by Richard Brooks ,again with Juano Hernandez and set in Kenia with terrible revolutionary group named 'Mau Mau' , a 'Mark of Hawk'-alike, and 'Cry the beloved country¨(version 1951)by Zoltan Korda again with Sidney Poitier and set in South Africa where the oppression,horror and destruction of apartheid system are equally exposed.