I liked "Giuseppe w Warszawie" (Giuseppe in Warsaw) a lot because it was like a breath of fresh air after watching so many gloomy pictures showing the German occupation. And it is even more significant that the story was loosely based on some real events. The plot is about an Italian soldier, Giuseppe Santucci (Antonio Cifarello), who returns from the front. The train he is travelling on is derailed by Polish partisans, and in the confusion, Santucci loses his rifle. He does not want to go to the barracks without a weapon and moves into the apartment of Maria (Elzbieta Czyzewska), a girl he met on the train, and her brother, Staszek (Zbigniew Cybulski). In time, he becomes involved in conspiratorial activities, helping the partisans obtain weapons. The story ends with a happy ending, and Giuseppe manages to return to Italy. To me the comedy was light and funny. Even if at times the humor is a little dated " Giuseppe in Warsaw" is worth seeing for the great performance of Zbigniew Cybulski.