The minor "Super-Sleuth" is a cartoon-like, live action film, but with plenty of relaxed, pleasant, and gentle comedic moments. Jack Oakie plays a likeable, almost endearing character, even though he thinks excessively highly of himself. Jack's timing is superb, providing for the viewer a film full of subtle, chuckle-inducing lines, body language, and facial reactions to circumstances he doesn't fully appreciate.
The supporting cast seems to have plenty of fun doing their part to make the film work-- that is except for Ann Southern, who, unfortunately, has little to do in the program other than just kind of be there for Jack. The inside view of making movies in 1937 on set and on location is a bonus. If you go in for viewing not expecting a Cary Grant- or Katherine Hepburn-kind of major league comedy you will enjoy this picture just fine. As a 1930's movie fan I am very glad to have finally seen it!